How Do You Find Meaning after Leaving Islam (or Religion)?

Jessica Artemisia
4 min readJun 9, 2024

Question on the r/exmuslim community: There’s many ex Muslims on this sub who are early in their apostasy, confused, lost, have to remain closeted etc and they don’t have guidance on the next stage of their lives.

For those who have achieved success later in life whether it’s career, health, family, money etc. what are some tips you would give to the rest of us.

Edit: How can we get over the post-Islam identity crisis and avoid overindulging in haram to staying disciplined and getting life back on track

My reply:

Hey so this is something I think about a lot and I wrote a comment on another post that someone asked to turn into a graphic novel, so I created an animation. Maybe it’s a little cheesy but even if you don’t vibe with it, try to watch to the end so you get my point about going through the tavern of despair, cynicism, and nihilism on your way out of faith.

Also, Rami Rustom of Uniting the Cults podcast and I chatted recently and we talked about morality and meaning outside of religion. You can check it out on Youtube here.

Basically this is how I see it. I may add more later:

  1. I’m 43 and I’ve watched everyone in my life (from my parents’ generation to my peers over 30+ years) to see how…



Jessica Artemisia

Explorer seeking the fantastical, strange, and taboo to find treasure | Author, artist, poet, and educator helping people find freedom | MSc. NYU | ex-Muslim