The Logic of Islam is Why I Left the Religion

Jessica Artemisia
4 min readJun 11, 2024

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Someone asked: What made you leave Islam? One day I believe and the next day I don’t. I have doubts about my reasoning on why I dont believe in Islam. How did you make the final decision?

My answer:

For me it was fundamentally a problem of the logic of the religion. I’m a GMAT preparation coach for the verbal section and a HUGE part of preparation for the “critical reasoning” question type is understanding and evaluating an argument or a claim.

An argument is defined as:

Evidence + Reasoning/Logic = Conclusion/Claim

An argument is different from an opinion because an argument makes an effort to persuade using logic and evidence, while an opinion is a simple statement of what one believes, without any effort to persuade.

Islam’s tenets of faith, unlike Christianity, are based on an argument (I’ll outline the structure below). Christianity is based on the “feeling” that Christ is your savior. There’s no way to prove or disprove it and the religion doesn’t attempt to use logic in any way. The claim that Jesus is the son of god and also god and also that god is one but also three and also that god died for your sins, etc. is so beyond…



Jessica Artemisia

Explorer seeking the fantastical, strange, and taboo to find treasure | Author, artist, poet, and educator helping people find freedom | MSc. NYU | ex-Muslim